Is it still possible to save from small income? This wife says it is! The plain housewife is a member of the Smart Parenting Village group. It’s a Facebook group where parents can share smart tips on topics related to family life and more. The plain housewife shared with the group that it’s only her husband who has a job. They have three kids and she takes care of them. The husband is a butcher. He also has some side gigs now and then.

Their monthly expenses are Php2,200 for utility bills. Some of the money goes to food and baby necessities. She thought saving isn’t possible because of their social status. But, she learned about Chinkee Tan. The Pinoy-Chinese is a motivational speaker and a wealth coach. He teaches many people to save up offering different tactics to set their money aside. His strategies are helpful for low-income earners. The housewife tried the ‘Invisible 50 Challenge’ of the wealth coach. She set aside every Php50 she sees in their household. She can’t spend it and treat it not as money, but something she should put in a piggy bank. This is how she saved about Php5,000!

The housewife and her husband built a family when she was only 21 yrs. old. They didn’t have work at that time. Their parents took care of them, but, they promised each other they will try their best to provide for their family. So, she was keen on saving up and helping her husband. She said that they buy only the things they need. They also think about it first if they need the item before buying anything. She also shared that they’re happy being able to support their family and save up for their future. This is a great idea for those who want to save for the rainy days. Chinkee Tan is a popular wealth coach and he can guide anyone to succeed in saving up. What do you think of this story?


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