Former matinee idol, Troy Montero is now an ideal family man after he left showbizness. He’s married to a former sexy star, Aubrey Miles and they are raising three children who belong in the different age bracket. Aubrey’s firstborn with former bf JP Obligacion, Maurie, is also treated like his own by Troy. He considers him his eldest child. Maurie is now a teen-ager while their second son, Hunter, is a pre-teen. Aubrey gave birth last year to their only daughter, Rocket.

imahe mula sa ig ni troymontero

Troy Montero is proud to say that he’s hands-on when it comes to the kids. He can change diapers even if he’s blindfolded. During the Pampers’ Super Brand Day, Troy shared some tips and stories on how he brings up their kids. The former actor said that he loves his role as a father and their children make him feel young all over again. The kids have a big age gap and this was on purpose. They wanted to enjoy their time after each baby is born. They also love to travel and would do some activities with the baby in tow but there are times that it’s just the two of them. He explained further that with the kids’ big age gap, they can focus on each child while one is on school and the other is growing up. It’s also easier for the older child to understand why the younger sibling is getting more attention.

imahe mula sa ig ni troymontero

Here are some daddy tips from Troy;

Spend Time with the Kids

Troy wants to enjoy every moment with the kids while they’re still young. He wants to enjoy each stage in the children’s life. Now that their eldest is a grown-up, Troy loves going out with him where they can have a drink or two. He also cherishes that his second son, Hunter, still kisses him before he leaves after bringing him to school. He knows that when Hunter gets a little older, there will be no more kisses. He also loves taking care of their baby, Rocket. He changes diapers, brings her to the pedia, and feeds her. He’s aware that they won’t be kids forever.

Never Sleep Angry

Troy believes that if there’s a spat with the kids or his wife, it should be fixed before sleeping. There shouldn’t be any negativity when going to sleep because it will have a bad effect on both parties. This dad believes that his parenting style is firm but fair.

Be There for the Kids

imahe mula sa ig ni troymontero

Troy says he avoids using the phone whenever he’s spending time with the kids. He always tries to be present in the life of their kids, no matter how tired he is.

Stay Healthy

Troy’s father died at the time that Aubrey was pregnant with Rocket so he never had the chance to even see his granddaughter. Although he had always been a health buff, the death of his father made him realize that anything can happen at the snap of a finger. Because of this, Troy makes sure that he takes good care of himself because it’s very important that he’ll be able to see their children grow up.

Bad and Good Cop

When it comes to giving discipline to the kids, Troy believes that both should be a bad and good cop to them. According to him, the kids will feel betrayed if one parent who is always cool would suddenly impose discipline. Thus, both parents should be able to discipline the children and at times can also be having fun with them.

Troy Montero’s parenting style is cool. His kids are lucky to have him as a dad.


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