The man is usually the breadwinner of the family and works to support his wife and kids. Most women stay in their house to take care of the children. Some people think that husbands have a more difficult job than housewives because they are only in the house.

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A husband felt grateful with his wife when he watched the cctv of his wife while taking care of their baby. He said that his wife has many struggles at home. He didn’t imagine that being a housewife will be so hard.

The man compiled the screenshots of his wife and baby together. He said that his wife do multitasking with house chores and looking for the baby. He never heard his wife complaining even though she is having a difficult time at home.

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The man realized that his wife didn’t get enough rest every day. The man wanted to break the stereo-type that stay-at-home parents have an easy jobs. He said his job at the company is not as difficult as his wife’s job at home.

The story had gone viral on social media and a lot of people learned to appreciate stay-at-home mothers. The man’s wife posted a comment on the photos. She said that this surprised her. She only wished husbands will support and understand housewives more. This will motivate them to keep going and take care of the family.

People should not judge a wife and say that she is just staying at home to take care of the kids. Being a stay-at-home parent has many responsibilities too. They don’t get a salary and works more than 8 hours every day. The children should respect and appreciate their parents. Husbands should also show appreciation and love their wives more.


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