Did you just come out of a break-up? You must be devastated to say the least. Of course, you want to move on as early as now. There are ways to do that. You can heal and move on and it will be better once again.

Here are some of the things you should do if you want to move on.

Remember This “Time heals”

You can’t force yourself to be alright at once. It’s a given that you feel bad about breaking up that you need to cry it out and experience the pain. Sad to say, you have to go through the pain so you can let yourself be okay once again. Being in denial and acting like nothing happened won’t bring you anywhere because this will just hide how you feel but deep inside you know you are hurting.

There will be days when you just want to stay in bed and talk to no one because your heart feels like exploding but you have to let the pain toughen you out. Let yourself feel the pain that the relationship is over and it’s something that breaks your heart a lot.


  1. Don’t Stalk your Ex

No matter how hard it is, learn to control your emotions and stop checking out his profile. This is a hard thing to do and you need a lot of courage to do it. Stop checking his Social Media accounts, stop passing by his apartment and stop contacting him. If he still wants you then you aren’t broken up in the first place. The best thing to do here is if you can stay offline for a while. Staying out of Social Media will lessen possibilities that you will see him with other girls when he posts about it.

It can also help your brain to rest and heal because it’s not only your heart that is affected but also your brain.

2. Go Out with Friends and Family

Your friends and family love you and they want the best for you. You can try going out with them even if you’re not very keen on it just to see if you’re beginning to enjoy going out again. Try doing something new like travel to new places, volunteer or get re-acquainted with your town or city.

3. Look For New Activities or Do the Old Ones

It’s very hard to move when you feel depressed. Having a broken heart inhibits you to the things you usually love. It inhibits you to try new things because all you want to do is mope all day inside your bedroom. That’s understandable but you should also consider finally getting back out to the world. There is so much beauty in life and you can experience it when you try new activities like painting, arts & crafts and other forms of hobbies. This can help you forget about your heartbreak for a while until you’re strong enough on your own.

4. Try Meeting New People Again

Maybe you don’t want to see other people this early but you don’t have to jump into the relationship to the next person you see but you can at least try to be friendly and do things and activities with your new friend.

Breaking up is hard but if you try your best to help yourself heal you will find out that after too much pain, you can experience happiness again even if you are single. Remember to take care of yourself and always keep positive that the hurt will eventually go away.



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