Crystalle Mae Manalo graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. She graduated with honors and already passed the board exams. She and her grandmother posted on Facebook about how she reached for her dreams. But netizens were more amazed when Crystalle put her tarpaulin outside her home. At first, her grandmother, Nanay Gloria, asked Crystalle if she would like to put the tarpaulin outside their house.

The reason for this is because they live in a dilapidated house. They call their house ‘tagpi-tagpi’, which is a common local description for this kind of house. Many Filipino houses are like these because of the financial challenges in the country.

Nanay Gloria worried that people might judge them if they share on Social Media their house. But Crystalle insisted she is proud of where she came from. She finished engineering by learning to sell food items like candy and biscuits to her schoolmates. Nanay Gloria would also borrow money so she can pay for Crystalle’s tuition fees.

Aside from that, Crystalle was a scholar from 1st year to 3rd year. She also got a discount by being a dean’s lister. This grandmother-and-granddaughter tandem didn’t let their problems stand in the way. Crystalle studied hard and she graduated with honors. That’s her edge when she applies for jobs.

She also graduated with an impressive degree. So, she has a big chance to get a high-paying job. But more than that, what’s impressive is the dedication of the two. Other family members of Crystalle are also proud of her accomplishment. They’re happy she is reaching for her dreams.

Crystalle comes from a broken family. Her mom is a single parent and it’s her Nanay Gloria who helped the two get by in life. Thanks to Nanay Gloria, Crystalle grew up to be an intelligent woman. Congratulations to the whole family. Crystalle’s achievements are also their happiness!



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