One of the most vital parts of the human anatomy are the kidneys. It’s the one responsible in the balance of salt, minerals and water in the body. Kidneys strain toxins in the blood and this comes out through your urine. The kidneys are also responsible for neutralizing the blood pressure and for hormone reproduction. It also helps maintain good bone health. Having said that, the kidneys should always be taken care of to avoid any health threats that might result to a terminal illness.

Once the kidneys are taken for granted, your body will most likely suffer. This usually happens when we have too much intake of the many unhealthy foods nowadays especially in the sudden rise of fast food joints. Too much consumption of unhealthy foods; those with too much oil, salt and artificial flavoring can possibly lead to kidney failure which in turn might cause further complications.


Kidney cleansing should be done once in a while to ensure good health and proper function of your kidneys. This will help prevent putting your health at risk. There’s one fruit that’s perfect for kidney detoxification.

Avocado is mostly used for sandwiches, salads or shakes. There are some who prefer it just as it is while others like combining it with milk and sugar. Unknown to many, avocado is not just a yummy fruit but it is also loaded with health benefits. The leaves are the healthiest part of the avocado tree; best for treating stomach pains, colds and flu. It also prevents the onset of high blood pressure and act as an antibiotic and diuretic aside from treating back pains, diarrhea and inflammation. Best of all, it is an effective kidney cleanser; helps in preventing serious kidney problems such as kidney stones.

Drink Avocado to Cleanse the Kidneys

According to some studies done, drinking boiled avocado leaves is one of the most effective ways of cleansing the kidneys. It can flush out the kidney stones and ensure that the kidneys will work out properly. It’s a natural remedy for kidney problems.

How to Prepare Avocado Tea

  • Get and clean ten pieces of avocado leaves
  • Pour one and a half liter of water in a cooking pot then place the avocado leaves
  • When it comes to a boil, wait until the water turns brown before turning off the heat. Allow it to boil for fifteen minutes
  • Allow it to cool down before pouring in a pitcher
  • When the heat has subsided, you can drink the avocado tea
  • Place the remaining tea in the fridge to extend its usability
  • It is best taken two to three times daily

It is best to remember though that as common as it is, prevention is always better than cure. It’s always advisable to avoid the foods that will only put your health, especially the kidneys in danger. Always look for fresh foods and those that are prepared and cooked the natural way because it is not a secret that salt, oil and flavouring can do so much harm to the kidneys. Once the kidneys have been damaged, repairing it is almost impossible.


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