Experts say that eating two eggs a day can be beneficial to the health. Studies show that eating two eggs a day can lower the bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol levels in the body.

Here are more reason why eating 2 eggs a day can be good for you.

1. Promotes Proper Brain Function

Egg contains choline which is beneficial to the brain function. Eating two eggs per day can increase your choline levels in the body and targets choline deficiency or memory loss.

2. Promotes Proper Eyesight

Egg contains lutein and xeaxanthin which helps eye retina. Eating two eggs per day can help decrease the risk of getting eye cataract.

3. Beautifies Hair and Skin

The biotin and vitamin B12 content of egg can help make the hair become shinier and the skin smoother and softer. Egg also has protein which the body needs for energy and other body functions.

4. Helps in Weight Loss

There are vitamins and nutritional contents in eggs that can help in losing weight. It has lesser calories to help in weight loss.

5. To Promote Strong Muscles of the Body

Eating two eggs per day can help form muscles in the body since the protein of two eggs is equivalent to one serving of meat.

Eggs can be really nutritious and even delicious food that you can eat to help your body perform better. Eggs can give energy, help in weight loss and other healthy functions in the body. Just remember to eat eggs cautiously or ask a doctor in case you have allergies.

You can eat eggs for breakfast or any time of the day. Just add it to your meal to make sure you eat two eggs a day so that you can get the health benefits of eggs.


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