Facebook addiction is one of the prevalent issues not only to the young ones but also the adults.  But, the more concern is for your kids. As a parent, it is your responsibility to manage and control the screen time of your kids.

Studies show that many parents are also addicted to using devices. In this case, how can you control your kids if you, parents can’t do without your phone?


Here are some tips that can help you prevent device addiction:

Google for necessary information

If you will allow your kids to use devices, see to it that you’re monitoring them. This way, you will know what they are googling. Tell them to browse the internet only to search for information and not for conversation. Otherwise, staying in a conversation can be the start of device addiction.

Personalize your device

If you don’t want to turn off your phone completely, the best option is to personalize your device. You can either choose to turn off the notifications or enable the “silent” sounds. You can also customize the notification setting for important emails as well as VIP calls.

Do not set your device to vibration mode

Setting your device to vibration mode will only entice you to pick up your phone. While you check your phone, it will lead you to browse your Facebook and other apps. Thus, to avoid enticing you to open your phone even in the middle of the night, the best thing to do is not to set your device to vibration mode.

Set parental controls

There are many ways to prevent device addiction such as parental controls. There are lots of apps for parental controls that you can find over the internet. You can consider Breakfree, Moment Family, and DinnerTime Plus. These apps will let you choose the screen-free time for the entire family.

Practice “mindful parenting”

Another way to avoid device addiction is to practice the so-called “mindful parenting”. But, it’s not enough to do it because devices will surely distract you even when you’re not using them. Thus, there’s a need to look for other effective ways such as a meditation app. This will help you to improve your principles for daily life.



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