The craze about Apple Cider Vinegar made people buy the stuff because of the promise of many health benefits but it is unknown to many that it also has some side effects. While it cures the common cold, sunburn, ear infections, nail fungus, warts, and head lice; there are also illnesses it can’t treat. ACV also has some side effects that you should know about.


What are the side effects of Apple Cider Vinegar?

Excessive consumption of ACV can cause tooth erosion, low levels of potassium or even skin breakage. There are times when it affects the function of laxatives, diuretics or medicines for heart diseases.


• Apple Cider Vinegar Effects on Arthritis

Some studies show that ACV is not effective for the treatment of this illness as the basis on rat studies is poor and has no solid assurance. There are some people who swear that it is effective on them so it really depends on whoever uses it. People who find ACV effective consume a glass of water with 2 teaspoons of this vinegar each morning. Some mix 2 teaspoon of ACV with molasses, honey and a glass of water.

• Apple Cider Vinegar Effects on Obesity

Losing weight is not an easy process even if you drink ACV. You need to work out and eat the right kinds of food and be patient about the process. ACV may help in weight loss but there still a need to get fit by exercising and cutting down fats and burning calories.

To make ACV effective for weight loss, add to your diet and exercise 2 teaspoon of the vinegar that’s mixed with a glass of water.

 • Apple Cider Vinegar Effects on Digestive Disorders

The risk that ACV can be bad for digestive health maybe because there are times when foods aren’t prepared properly and there can be contamination. To counter this, you can prepare ACV as a salad dressing or add it your water.

 • Apple Cider Vinegar Effects on Common Cold

ACV can’t exactly cure common cold virus but it can combat weaker bacteria that cause infections and make the cold last longer. It acts by getting inside the cell membranes of the bacteria and targets the cells. Put ACV to a glass of water and drink until you’re cured of cold.


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