Saturday, July 27, 2024

You Get These 5 Health Benefits When You Consume Lemongrass

Lemongrass is an Asian, Australian African, and tropical island plants genus in the grass family. It’s used for culinary purposes, to ward off mosquitoes...

Health Benefits of Oregano: Home Remedy Treatment for Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Rheumatism and Infections

Lung diseases like cough, asthma, and bronchitis, rheumatism, and infections are some of the most common diseases that affect adults, senior citizens and kids...

11 Health Benefits of Corn Hair/Silk You Should Know About

The most used part of the corn is of course its kernel because this is the part that people eat. Its corn hair or...

If Your Blood Type is “O”, Don’t Do This!

There are four principal blood types and each of that has a unique characteristic. This is how medical technologists and doctors classify every patient...

The Health Hazards of Using Cell Phones that Not Everybody Know

The rise of Cell phones has revolutionalized the way of living to many people around the world. Someone’s life isn’t complete without checking his/her...

Eating an Egg a Day Can Prevent Diabetes Says New Research

Do you or someone you know has Diabetes? Diabetes is a chronic illness and it can’t be cured but can be prevented. Through proper...
Lemon Water and its Unbelievable Benefits

Lemon Water and its Unbelievable Benefits

Sometimes, you just have to check in your kitchen to find the remedy for any illness that you are experiencing. This is to avoid...

12 Signs to Watch out for Liver Damage

The liver is one of the most important organs of the human body. It’s located under the rib cage on the right side of...

Treat Your Dark Skin to Whiten with These Natural Remedies

Do you have problems with dark areas on the neck, knees, underarms, and elbows? You'll want to get rid of that fast to become...

These 20 Medications Can Cause Memory Loss

Prescription drugs are life savers but did you know that they can also be a cause for death and other illnesses? There are more...
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