Saturday, July 27, 2024

Surprising Ways to Remove Uric Acid Crystals Naturally

Gouts are formed when there are excess purines in the body and uric acid crystals are formed. Getting gout is more common in older...

Binat or Relapse after Giving Birth – The Symptoms and Natural Remedies

Have you heard about “binat”? It is a condition that appears after a woman gave birth. There’s no exact English term, but such a...

This Method is a Natural Way to Remove Cyst and Grease Ball

Just about anyone can get a cyst and grease ball but they say the most common is when it runs in the family or...

11 Health Benefits of Corn Hair/Silk You Should Know About

The most used part of the corn is of course its kernel because this is the part that people eat. Its corn hair or...

Lukewarm Water is an Effective Remedy for All Your Health Problems

To say that “health is wealth” is already a cliché but what you have to consider more nowadays is the high cost of medicines,...

These are the Health Benefits of Saluyot You Should Know About

Chorchorus or Saluyot is a herbal plant native to the Philippines. It’s popular in cooking in many provinces but it’s also effective as a...

Milk and Garlic Recipe is the Best Home Remedy for Asthma, Arthritis, Insomnia and...

Milk and garlic when combined together is an effective natural remedy for many ailments. On their own, milk and garlic already has many healthy...

Cleanse Your Kidneys Using Avocado Leaves

One of the most vital parts of the human anatomy are the kidneys. It’s the one responsible in the balance of salt, minerals and...

Why Kangkong May Harm You at Any Moment

Kangkong is a water spinach and Filipinos love eating it especially in Sinigang na Baboy but you’ll also find this leafy vegetable in many...

Alleged Excessive Eating of Tofu Resulted in 420 Kidney Stones

The story of this man from China is one you can consider as almost next to impossible. Have you ever heard of someone who...
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